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Monday, 18 December 2017

Remember JonesTown?

Did you drink the cool aid?

Not Sure about the cool aid

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Teal Swan With Cult Members

Teal  Swan is a bit too fond of this horsey if you know what  I  mean. 

It is a sick Cult and everyone is in it

Teal Swan handling a  new Cult member

Teal Swan handling the new bodyguard

Another close friend  she just met off the train. She likes to get touchy feely with everyone.

 Cult meeting

This puppy is powerless when confronted by Teal Swan.
 Luckily for it, she approves and will not eat it.

Friday, 20 October 2017

The Most Regrettable Clothing

Clothing  that makes you feel sad all the time

Just look at this poor sad person. This is their last cry for help.

Physically draining 

Inflatable Swans

These Swans are full of wind

Thursday, 29 June 2017

You're doing it Wrong

The Books are a bit crap....

The art is also a bit crap , and plagiarized....

Is Looking to the side in close ups on YouTube videos... Let's hope the good looks last, because when they are gone she will have nothing left.

Tells the story of being a victim,  but lacks  consistency  when retelling it....

Not Sure About Teal Swan

Fry  is not sure...

Thursday, 11 May 2017

I See What You Did There

I  see what  you did there

What  has 2 thumbs and doesn't give a f**k?

This  woman ^

Stop looking at me Swan

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Stop Looking At Me Swan

Alone In the woods

Stop  looking at me

Bikini madness

Sometimes she gets close to the camera and then looks to the side

Stop looking at me Swan

Stop looking

Stop  it

watch  this video^

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Honey Trapping

Honey trapping is an investigative practice utilizing romantic and/or sexual relationships for an interpersonal, political or monetary purpose to the detriment of one party involved in this romantic or sexual affair. Investigators are also often employed by wives, husbands, and other partners usually when an illicit romantic affair is suspected of the "target", or subject of the investigation.

Is  this A Honey Trap ?

What  say you ?

mmmm  Honey 

Where is the honey?

Honey Badger is confused and looking for the honey

Stop  looking at me Swan