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Showing posts with label the spirit science connection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the spirit science connection. Show all posts

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

What Is The Spirit Science Connection ?

I want to start  by saying that I  love watching  cartoons .  The Guy that  does the  Spirit Science  is a person Teal  met  online,  and then she drove to his house. It was  back  when she was 19 and having some trouble .  She never went back to her family and started a new life or something.

The  animated intro of Ask Teal  was done by him.


Patchman  is blue and  has a floating head.  I think this is a joke on the representation of anonymous youtube account profiles.  They  have changed now,  but before that they were a blue outline of a person with a floating head.

So  yeah  it's a joke.

Problems develop,  when what is done in jest is taken  seriously.
And this is what happened for spirit science

Plus he started to believe his own bullshit,  which  never helps.

Real name - Jordan Pearse

Spirit science loves magic mushrooms

When you introduce a dependence on drugs,  things can start to fall apart

A  history of the world 

Don't  know what happened, I  don't remember

Another good joke is the spaceship hidden near the pyramids that we need to use from time to time to fight off an Alien attack, and if I  could just remember where it is parked. Dude ! where is my spaceship !  

I  don't remember 

Don't  get me wrong,  I  am not anti-drugs.  You do need them   if you have chronic pain, or if you are dieing. 

The interconnectedness of all things
We are all connected in some way that is better than the human centipede

Jordan likes to Blog,  about his day to day journey through  life etc.
If you  read his blog
  don't take anything he says seriously.
He is a Hippy