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Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Teal Swan is Covered in Tattoos

Teal Swan is becoming a crazy person who is covered in tattoos,

 but has no cool tattoo like a lightning bolt.

Cool Tattoo

This is cool

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Ok and Not Ok

So bikini pics of Teal Swan are Ok according to her Lawyers. But underwear pics are not ok

This is OK

This is Ok ^

Even  this is ok ^

But  this is NOT OK 

I  just don't get it  

Not sure about underwear vs bikini pics

Friday, 29 November 2019

Bitch Face On

Teal Swan suffers from Resting Bitch Face

Stop looking at me swan

It is not me that said it.  It is the word on the street.

Stop Looking at me Swan - A song from the album, Welcome to Fight Club


Saturday, 2 November 2019

Teal Swan Memes

Above ^    Teal Swan is Listening to my new album. You can tell from her expression that she likes it


Stop Looking at me Swan

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

You Won't Believe What Teal Swan Looks Like Now

This top picture of her was posted on her instagram and then removed

Stay away from me Witchy Woman 

The Evil is captured in photo and fanart

  This is some Fan Art that was on instagram  

What is this dark magic?

Listen to The Eagles - song link here  Witchy Woman

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Comments from X Teal Tribe

I have spent over $1,500.00 USD on a Completion process “certification ” bought her books and followed her on social media since 2014. I have met her personally and had an at length conversation with Ale , her husband in person about a deep private matter. I’ve also had a very private conversation with her manager. We talked about very personal situations. So I’m not someone who is paroting words from someone else’s mouth or writings of hate . This is from my own personal experience.
I would describe Teal as being “soul-less”. She is still cutting herself, there’s nothing healed about her . She uses guilt very cleverly . She said this to us at one of her trainings, “ I can’t believe people when they say they love me because I’ve been betrayed so much by people who said they loved me , then they turned around and became haters . “ we all sighed and felt so sorry for her. She refers to anyone who calls her out as a “hater” so if you disagree with her , you’re a “hater” that’s the subversive language she uses to manipulate. I could go on and on . I have the recordings of her saying these things , contract I signed and proof of having had attended her “training”. She definitely has several personalities but mostly she feels like an empty vessel. She has no warmth , I hugged her a few times and I felt nothing , like I was hugging an object. Besides that point. I’ve got a lot to say about her . I could write a book. Her followers are mostly suicidal and/or very narcissistic just like her. I continued to follow because it was like a watching a bad movie that you couldn’t stop watching because you can’t beli how terrible it is. But I stopped following, I just can’t waste any more of my brain cells.

I used to be a “Tealer” for a few years until I discovered on how much of a HACK and power hungry she is. Especially on how much she spiritually abuses her clients and followers with suicide. It made me angry and sick to my stomach.
PEOPLE, don’t believe everything she says because her teachings are UNORIGINAL. She copied everything from ancient spiritual Scriptures to self help authors. Which is hypocritical because in one interview with “Positive Head Podcast”, she criticizes the self help industry and believes that she can solve personal problems better than they can. She has never and never will come up with her own material to help others. There is nothing wrong with using another person’s technique to help others, but there is everything wrong with plagiarizing those techniques and capitalizing them as their own. So yeah, my money is going towards the original problem solvers and not her.

Teal Swan said NO

Surfing Swans

It is ok to say no,  I will give you that Teal.

Well done

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

The Gateway Podcasts - Teal Swan

Part One catalyst

Part Two  Origins

Part Three  Philia

Part Four  Tribe

Part Five  Memories

I  am really into podcasts.

All podcasts

Here is the link to part 6 shadows 

Ok.  I  haven't listened to all of the interviews, but I wonder why does she say fuck in every sentence? It is a bad look.


Saturday, 6 July 2019

Top Model