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Friday, 3 April 2020

Teal Swan - FEET

Teal Swan has
4 Stars on wikifeet   

For more pictures of celebrity Feet,  go to the website of Wikifeet.com

You nearly got me with this, but I am not into feet.

Feet are gross 

Teal Swan whispers to you, and shows you her feet. 

WHY  the feet?


Sexy Time

Very Strange

Do you like the feet?

What say You?  

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Why is Teal Swan now seen as a Cult Leader?

Several tests have been done to prove  this.

You can see the Telltale videos on YouTube for conformation

But the main reason being, because she is Teal Swan

Here is a nice song
Are you a believer? (song)
Are You A Believer?

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Cold Eyes

 Cold Eyes
Where the demons hide

Imagine Dragons (song link)


Thursday, 20 February 2020

Teal Swan Net Worth

According to online sources Teal Swan has a Net Worth of $1 million.

But this is unimportant and may be right or may be wrong.

She is rich but not super rich

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Telltale on Teal Swan Cult Leader and Control Freak

A new YouTube video by Telltale    on Teal Swan

I  don't listen to what she has to say anymore.
Now I just make a few memes,
but I will still be posting links to good commentary  like this one

click here

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Nympho and Serial Relationship Ender

This is Teal Swan

Thanks to System Busters and the WayBack Machine the blog posts exposing Teal Swan by her 2nd  Ex husband have come to light . Look  in Black Swan on the side tab  ------>  

Not sure that Teal Swan gives good advice