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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Honey Trapping

Honey trapping is an investigative practice utilizing romantic and/or sexual relationships for an interpersonal, political or monetary purpose to the detriment of one party involved in this romantic or sexual affair. Investigators are also often employed by wives, husbands, and other partners usually when an illicit romantic affair is suspected of the "target", or subject of the investigation.

Is  this A Honey Trap ?

What  say you ?

mmmm  Honey 

Where is the honey?

Honey Badger is confused and looking for the honey

Stop  looking at me Swan

Teal Swan The Movie Trailer

Teal Swan is so crazy, she should be in movies

Stop looking at me Swan

A Talk On Suicide Was Handled Badly

What  we say  and how we say  it is important.

Here is an example of what not to say if you are purporting to be a spiritual teacher and  guidance counselor 

It is a sad thing when people who are still partly messed up try to do guidance counselling. 

 Having the experience of being in a bad place for part of your life does not make you equal to a Doctor. 

The good news is that YouTube have a policy of not encouraging self harm and suicide,  and have deleted the 'Reset button' video from The Teal Swan YouTube channel.

 Teal has made an apology video, saying that was not her original intent, and it is her wish to encourage people with suicidal thoughts to walk back from it.

Stop looking at me Swan