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Monday 21 June 2021



Teal Swan does not smile much 

She is a lot like Pepe, sad.

Where did the time go?

Feeling sad? Get another tattoo

When she googles herself

Why does everyone leave?


  1. I want to leave you and I only just found you. A few months back, I was laying in bed, falling asleep listening to Jordan Peterson. I finally finished the 15part lecture and was to tired to roll over to turn off my YouTube. Eyes closed, not caring what was to come next, figuring I'd let my phone shut itself off soon. Everything was shutting off. My lights, phone, eyes, body, mind. This woman was filling the background with noise. I wasn't even listening. Stupid girl woke up my soul and heart with her broken spirit. Before my mind could comprehend what my ears were taking in, she had me hooked. I listened for a good ten minutes before I even opened my eyes and turned to see who this was who was speaking words that were ripping open my soul. I listened. I listened all night to video after video. Not just with my ears. I listened for hours before going to work. It wasn't even as a stayed awake all night long while I was at work. By the end of the next night, I was subscribed to her website, sharing her content with my daughter, friends and other family. I never met this woman yet I was falling in love with her soul. I knew a little bit about a lot of her whole life story. The good, bad, ugly as if she was a personal friend. Falling in love with someone you never met is as crazy as it gets. I shook it off. Unliked and unsubscribed. a month later and every time I open fb or yt, this stupid girl is the first thing that pops up with her stupid magical words, beauty, spirit and dark soul. I can't get rid of the woman, I never knew, will never really know.
